The Nosore team is a research team based in Aalto University. Our goal is to find new soluations to prevent pressure injuries, also knows as bedsores. Our team has developed new innovative smart sheet with embedded sensors, which studies and uses artificial intelligence to evaluate the patients risks and automatically activate treatments.

We seek at the moment technology partners, case users, experts, clients and investors!

Our solution

Pressure ulcer's infection-related complications may be reduced by efficient pressure ulcer early stages identification.

Nosore concept: smart sheet with embedded sensors and wheelchair cushion integration aimed to reduce the risk of developing pressure ulcer.

A smart sheet is placed under the patient for continuous monitoring of pressure areas.

The software analyses data from individuals for identifying the risk of pressure injuries.

Provides pressure ulcer early warning for caregivers.

It automatically activates the action needed to prevent pressure ulcer injuries.

It provides statistics and pressure ulcer profile for patients and caregivers.
Nosore Smartsheet

About bedsores

About us

Nuno Nobre, RN, PhD

Dr. Nobre has over 15 years’ experience in emergency nursing. He has worked also in rehabilitation wards. His research work (PhD from Helsinki University in 2018) Dr. Nobre plays a major role in designing the clinical trials and resource management.

Martti Vakkala, MBA
Martti is sales-oriented business builder. Martti have over 20-year successful experience with startup business building. He built software company Efecte (listed) product business from 200.000 to 3 M euros. Martti is creating partnerships and market understanding in the team.

Marko Mattila, PhD technology director
Hands on technology expert with wide experience from hardware and software side. Marko is a technology-oriented problem solver with a versatile experience from technology startups to leading a development department of full-service embedded product design house. 

We are seeking partners in:
  • partners in wheelchair & smartsheet manufacturers
  • software developers in AI and medical frontend
  • financing

Head of research: hanna.renvall
Technology and testing: nuno.nobre +358407052546
Partners & financing: martti.vakkala +358504119229

Contact us